Three Breaky Volatility Breakout Metatrader 4 Forex Robot

The Three Breaky Metatrader 4 Forex Robot is an automated trading software that includes three varying strategies of volatility breakout.

Apparently, this volatility breakout forex robot’s main idea is the automation of trading price movement outside a defined support or resistance area.

This EA works best on the 1-hour charts and higher. Test it on the major currency pairs.

Also worth note-taking is the Three Breaky EA’s ability to be back tested with open prices.

In order to further enhance the Three Breaky forex robot’s winning odds, users should tinker around with the EA’s inputs values.

Free Download

Download the “ThreeBreaky_v1.mq4” MT4 robot

Strategy Tester Report

Find below the Three Breaky robot strategy tester report for the EUR/USD forex pair on the 1-hour chart.

Overall Performance

The EA made a total profit of $7851.55 from a total of 1029 trades. The largest winning trade generated $308.16 in profits, while the largest losing trade generated a loss of-$22.36.


Bars in test: 2571 ticks modelled

Initial deposit: $10000.00

Total net profit: $7851.55

Total trades: 1029

Largest profit trade: $308.16

Largest loss trade: -$22.36

Consecutive wins: 2

Consecutive losses: 5


Download the “ThreeBreaky_v1.ex4” Metatrader 4 robot

MT4 Forex Robot Characteristics

Currency pairs: Any

Platform: Metatrader 4

Type: Expert advisor

Input Parameters: Use system 1, Use system 2, Use system 3, Magic Number (system will use Magic+1, Magic+2, Magic+3), Order Lots, Stop loss pips, Take profit pips (order will be always closed with indicator)…

Time frames: 1-Minute, 5-Minutes, 15-Minutes, 30-Minutes, 1-Hour, 4-Hours, 1-Day, 1-Week, 1-Month

Type: Breakout | Volatility


Copy and paste the ThreeBreaky_v1.mq4 into the MQL4 Experts folder of the Metatrader 4 trading platform.

You can access this folder from the top menu as follows:

File > Open Data Folder > MQL4 > Experts (paste here)